Nutrition: Inner Goodness
As those of you who’ve been along for the ride with me for years will know, there are a number of key principles I hold dear at Sabzi:
We work with whole ingredients, that with our skill and creativity, we turn into delicious dishes, dressings and dahls.
We make our own spice blends
We never cook with mayonnaise, or vegan ‘cheeses’
We make all of our own cakes and pastries
We cook seasonally, and with a daily changing menu that we design according to what is available locally or what is good right now in the UK. We don’t cook with vegetables coming from outside Europe.
We don’t cook with ultra-processed ingredients
I am proud that in spite of our period of growth, none of this has changed at Sabzi, and the principles above remain as true today as they did 5 years ago when I was getting ready to launch in Truro. Consequently, when Ginnie Davis approached me about whether I’d ever considered commissioning some independent articles from a nutrition expert, to shout a bit louder about Sabzi’s veg-related credentials, I was excited! Ginnie brings with her a wealth of knowledge and expertise with a first-class Nutritional Science degree and behavioural change qualifications. She has previously led the NHS National Diabetes Prevention Programme for Cornwall and The Isles of Scilly and now has her own private practice in Falmouth.
Ginnie had been visiting Sabzi as a customer for quite a while, so it felt like a great opportunity to share more with you all about the health-based-value that sits within your Sabzi meals. I hope you come to eat with us principally because our food is delicious and our team is so lovely but it’s also rather nice to share all the goodness that is nestled in your brown paper box too.