Spiced Bulgur Wheat
I wanted to share this dish as it feels fantastically flexible, and adaptable according to the contents of your fridge, seasonally available veg and your own preferences. It can be prepared alongside a chicken roasting in the oven and served warm as part of a winter’s supper, or prepped in the morning ahead of friends coming for a long, lazy lunch – served at room temperature and enjoyed the following day as leftovers.
It is delicious in a bowl with a dollop of Greek yoghurt, or a crumbling of feta and a few green leaves as a meal on its own, or as a fabulous accompaniment to pretty much anything else you might be serving!
I really hope you all enjoy creating this dish as much as we do at Sabzi; it’s one of our favourites – so much so that it featured at our launch party.
I’m going to leave you to assemble the bulgur wheat and veg quantities according to the number of people you’re serving; treat this recipe as a guide and template.
Cauliflower (I’d use one head for 6 people)
• 1–2 tins chickpeas drained and rinsed
• Lemon juice
• Garlic
• Sabzi’s Dahl Blend (you can use turmeric, garam masala, ground coriander and cumin if you don’t have this)
• Salt and pepper
• Honey/agave for sweetness
• Fresh herbs of your choosing – I’d go for parsley, a little dill and coriander
• 1 red onion
• Iranian barberries/cranberries/goji berries if you can’t get hold of the Iranian treats
• Dried mint
• Vegetable stock (I use Kallo organic veg stock cubes)
• Rapeseed oil for cooking
• Extra virgin olive oil for dressing
Start by prepping your cauliflower into small florets; don’t discard the stalk, simply peel the tough outer layer off and then cut into similar size chunks. The same with the leaves; discard any that are discoloured or damaged, wash the rest and shred – we’ll add these at the end of roasting.
Put all of your cauliflower and chickpeas in your roasting tray. Sprinkle with dahl blend (we’re aiming for a gorgeous golden colour, start with less and once mixed you’ll see if you need a little more), a generous squeeze/shake of lemon juice, and a good grind of black pepper and sea salt.
Pour over some rapeseed oil and a couple of tablespoons of honey. Then get your hands in and thoroughly mix to combine – the mix should feel squidgy and look golden and glorious. If required, add more spice, or more liquid to make up to amber squidge-iness!
Pop into an oven preheated to 180c and roast for approx. 30 mins, turning regularly. The cauliflower and chickpeas should be tender and juicy; if using the leaves, add these 15 mins before the end along with a couple of cloves of finely chopped garlic, and stir well to coat in the dressing.
Meanwhile, steam your bulgur wheat. Place bulgur wheat in a shallow, wide dish, generously seasoned with salt and pepper while dry. Make up your veg stock and pour over the bulgur wheat until it is completely covered in boiling water with a mm of water sitting on the top. Cover with a tea towel and allow to absorb thoroughly for 15-20 mins. Once cooked the bulgur should fluff up beautifully with a fork and be tender in the mouth while still retaining a little texture.
It's then a case of building the dish – you can chop all of your herbs while the cauliflower is roasting and then assemble while it is hot if you like; this is gorgeous eaten warm, or you can take the pressure off and assemble whenever suits you! To your bulgur wheat, add a generous shake of dried mint and stir through with a good drizzle of your favourite olive oil. The grains should now be flecked with mint. Add a couple of handfuls of chopped parsley, finely diced red onion and a handful of barberries. Some toasted pumpkin and sunflower seeds are also gorgeous for texture and their delicate nutty flavour. Scrape your tray of fragrant, delicious roasted veg into the bulgur and mix well to combine. Don’t miss a single bit of the juicy dressing that will now be coating your roasting tray, this is all key to the wonderful flavour; yet another reason I love our rubber spatulas in the kitchen! Your bulgur should now take on the warm golden colour of your cauliflower and smell incredible. Once well mixed, taste and add more lemon, olive oil and honey to your preference. It’s delicious with feta crumbled through too for sharp saltiness to cut through the rich spice.